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Welcome to DOWELS
Welcome and thank you for visiting the website of DOWELS - Doctors Network for Charity and Welfare
DOWELS is the first welfare association established among medical professionals in Sri Lanka and is engaged in the welfare of the members and the community. Whole calendar year is filled with novelty programs to improve the quality of life of our members while helping the community through the charity center.
DOWELS will not represent any forum of a political party or trade union. Matters of political parties or trade unions will not be discussed in any forum of the association.
Life Membership of Dowels will be open to any Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) registered medical and dental practitioners - registered under the ordinance of medical officers and dental officers. The association will function in a frame of Director board, central executive committee and a number of supporting subcommittees.
Since we will be dealing with a number of financial handling, by constitution, we have a very strict and firm financial framework responsible to the treasury. We have a treasurer and two assistants, a financial committee and an internal audit officer. Additionally, all financial handling will be supervised by a reputed external third party audit firm. The legal aspects of Dowels will be handled by a separate legal firm.